Gain More Visibility into Your Agency with These Essential KPI’s
Agency life is fast-paced. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities and lose sight of the bigger picture. Just because your team is busy, clients are happy and everything is going well, doesn’t necessarily mean your agency is performing as good as it can.
January 27, 2025 •
Dashboard Seminar - 20th November - Save the date!
This 3 hour training seminar will provide you with everything you need to know about dashboards and teach you how to build bespoke dashboard views for your agency. Dashboards, a business analytics tool, are only available from i2 version 2.14 upwards. They are a visual display of consolidated numbers, metrics and KPIs which aim to help your agency staff make quick and informed business decisions.
October 11, 2018 • Events
Save the Date- Vat Reconciliation Seminar-18th October 2018
This 3 hour seminar aims to discuss the best practice for entering VAT transactions into Paprika to make reconciling VAT easier. A variety of important points will be discussed such as issues that can come up during reconciliation, what mismatches mean, what is Reverse charge and how it is recorded in Paprika. We will be looking at changes to VAT from version 8.1 and learn how to build a view to...
August 17, 2018 • Events
Paprika tips and tricks Webinar invite!
Join us to reveal our latest tips and tricks on Paprika
August 02, 2018 • Events
2018-Breakfast Seminar- 6th July
Yes you heard it here first the Breakfast Seminar is back and is set to be our most popular event so far. This year we are returning to our favourite location which is TechUK. As always this is a FREE event for all our clients to get together and talk about Paprika, latest updates, what has been newly released and what is coming in the near future. We do hope you can all attend and cannot wait to...
June 20, 2018 • Events
Save the Date- 25th May VAT Reconciliation Seminar
This 3 hour seminar aims to discuss the best practice for entering VAT transactions into Paprika to make reconciling VAT easier. A variety of important points will be discussed such as issues that can come up during reconciliation, what mismatches mean, what is Reverse charge and how it is recorded in Paprika. We will be looking at changes to VAT from version 8.1 and learn how to build a view to...
April 24, 2018 • Events